Let's start with the three most common negatives: (1) can't afford it, (2) can't convince my parents, (3) can't find the time.

Cynthia and Lien - "Making Rice" travel project - 2015

1. Money. The cost of the program covers (1) lodging, almost everything but lunch, dinner and a giftshop allowance; (2) in-country travel by bus, plane to Hanoi, daily excursions; (3) course fees for 8 units.  However, did you know that you can apply your student aid to summer? (For details see (http://studyabroad.ucr.edu/fleap/)You can also apply federal and California grants (like Pell grants), and finally there are merit-based and need-based scholarships!!! In past trips, roughly half of the students going receive a significant mix of scholarships, financial aid and small grants to offset the cost of the program by several thousand dollars! Take advantage of these grants as a student!!!  Its unlikely that post-graduation you will find anyone willing to give you money to travel for learning!

2. Parents. This is a biggie. I'm a parent of three kids, and I can see both sides on this. The key is to figure out HOW such travel might fit into your academic program and your post-graduate plans. Hint #1: START EARLY, start now. Talk to your folks and, if possible, share with them info (like this) about the program. Don't procrastinate! And if the parents want to travel and see you, maybe just as the program ends, say YES!!!  :)  We're happy to coordinate with family or friends trying to find you during the program. After the 5-wk course, consider making your post-program travel a family adventure!

3. Time. Just as valuable if not more than money! We organize our trip in Summer Session I especially so that students in more fixed academic-year programs where courses are taught in sequence can still go. To the budding scientist or engineer, think about a program like this as an opportunity to balance your practical training with an opportunity to develop OTHER interests that can sustain you a lifetime, like writing and photography! Also, we have worked with graduating seniors to postpone graduation on paper (you still walk in June) to still qualify for support.


If you have the will, we'll find the way. I have called U.S. Congressmen, worked connections with the Dept. of State, and even called friends working in Vietnamese embassies and government agencies to assist students to get visas and all the paperwork in order to go. If you want to go to Vietnam, read on and sign up! Our goal is to recruit our 2018 group by March 23rd at the latest. SIGN UP ONLINE!

I can't do THIS anymore with my 3 kids! But where there's a will...

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